Perspective is everything. If you went way off track with your eating habits, view it as a massive learning opportunity, and NOT as an opportunity to spiral down a rabbit hole of guilt, shame, and disappointment. You are not failing your diet. Your diet is failing YOU. It’s likely that your way of eating is fighting your biology, instead of working with it. Getting way off track is not an issue of willpower, rather, it’s simply a sign that your current strategies aren’t serving you and your goals. Time to do some sleuthing and uncover the the real triggers. Some areas to consider:
◽Am I ignoring my hunger and being restrictive about amount of food?
◽Am I regularly eating overly refined and processed foods (which hijack your brain and hunger hormones, a strong biological response you can’t oppose with willpower)? This doesn’t mean you won’t ever occasionally dip into such foods, but it’s a good idea to consider holding off on such foods until you’ve given your body a chance to reset and balance your hunger and metabolism hormones.
◽ Am I just too dang tired? Have I been getting enough quality sleep?
◽Have I been taking time for some stress relief?
◽Was I caught in too many situations without good food choices? Have I been doing some meal planning and simple prep to prevent difficult food choices?
It’s not you, it’s your triggers. Be gentle with yourself. Setting yourself up for success can be a much more pleasurable and *effective* way to hit those health goals you’ve set for yourself. What do you find are your most frequent triggers?