What’s your big why? I used to think mine was mostly to fit back into those skinny jeans again, but as the NSVs (non-scale victories) started trickling in, I had a big “aha”. My big why was now about *so* much more, like:
- having a ton more energy to get through my day, no matter what curve balls are thrown my way
the ability to move my body with more ease, and keep up with my kids - a peaceful, pleasurable relationship with food, with no more stressing about what I was going to eat & when, and the end of cravings
- improved readings on key health markers like cholesterol levels and blood glucose readings – reducing my risk of chronic disease and limiting the need for multiple medications later in life
- a sharper, clearer mind, free of the brain fog I would get from eating overly refined foods; reduced anxiety
Along the way, I really latched onto these bigger-picture whys, and they definitely made it a lot easier to stick with the day-to-day habits that helped me get leaner, stronger, and more healthy.
And, as a bonus, focusing on the long term, bigger picture health goals, ultimately helped me fit into those pants again.
Now, I consider eating well, moving my body, making time for rest & recovery, and stress relief to be not just strategies for fat loss or maintaining weight. Rather, they are the tools I use to power my life!
What’s your big why? How do you power your life?